
completed as a coding exercise for SeeClickFix

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Completed as a coding exercise. Live demo can be found here.

How to Run Locally

  1. Install dependencies: -npm install
  2. Run React Webpack: -npm run react-dev,
  3. Start server: -npm server

To start, in your browser navigate to: http://localhost:3000


Once the owner and repo name are entered, the dropdown event types list is automatically populated with event type associated with that specific repo. A debounce function was used to prevent the API call from running before user finishes typing repo name.

Changes I would have made given more time:

  • make the actor login in results table a hyperlink to their GitHub URL
  • non case sensitive owner and repo name inputs
  • autocomplete repo name input based on repos associated with the user entered owner name
  • error handling for user entering owner name or repo name that do not exist
  • padding around title header
  • text overflow handling in input areas, event type dropdown and table data