
:whale: Minimal Docker image for Chandler (syncs CHANGELOG to GitHub's release notes).

MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Docker Automated build Docker Repository on Quay Metadata

Alpine Linux based Docker image for chandler.

chandler syncs your CHANGELOG entries to GitHub's release notes so you don't have to enter release notes manually.


Pull the image from Docker Hub.

docker pull whizark/chandler

Or, pull the image from Quay.

docker pull quay.io/whizark/chandler


Run the image pulled from Docker Hub.

docker run --rm -it -e CHANDLER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN="Your GitHub Token" -v "$(pwd):/chandler" whizark/chandler [command] [tag] [options]

Or, run the image pulled from Quay.

docker run --rm -it -e CHANDLER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN="Your GitHub Token" -v "$(pwd):/chandler" quay.io/whizark/chandler [command] [tag] [options]