
Download from youtube and pin to IPFS, ships with a static webplayer

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Download and pin yt videos to IPFS.


IPFS node needs to be running locally, exposing API on port 5001, or run IPFS-Desktop.

Using NPM or yarn

$ npm i -g yt-dl-ipfs     # yarn global add yt-dl-ipfs
$ yt-dl-ipfs
        _            _ _       _        __
  _   _| |_       __| | |     (_)_ __  / _|___
 | | | | __|____ / _` | |_____| | '_ \| |_/ __|
 | |_| | ||_____| (_| | |_____| | |_) |  _\__ \
  \__, |\__|     \__,_|_|     |_| .__/|_| |___/
  |___/                         |_|             v0.1.11

? Enter YouTube URL:

Running With Docker

This Image accepts IPFS_API_URL as an env variable, otherwise defaults to localhost

$ docker run -it whizzzkid/yt-dl-ipfs:latest

Building Uploader locally


This should be the easiest:

$ docker build --tag whizzkid/yt-dl-ipfs:latest .
$ docker run -it whizzkid/yt-dl-ipfs:latest
> node dist/index.js

        _            _ _       _        __
  _   _| |_       __| | |     (_)_ __  / _|___
 | | | | __|____ / _` | |_____| | '_ \| |_/ __|
 | |_| | ||_____| (_| | |_____| | |_) |  _\__ \
  \__, |\__|     \__,_|_|     |_| .__/|_| |___/
  |___/                         |_|             v0.1.11

? Enter YouTube URL:


Assuming you have node and python installed.

$ npm ci
$ npm run build && npm start
> node dist/index.js

        _            _ _       _        __
  _   _| |_       __| | |     (_)_ __  / _|___
 | | | | __|____ / _` | |_____| | '_ \| |_/ __|
 | |_| | ||_____| (_| | |_____| | |_) |  _\__ \
  \__, |\__|     \__,_|_|     |_| .__/|_| |___/
  |___/                         |_|             v0.1.11

? Enter YouTube URL:

Building Player Locally

Player is static, it's hosted here: https://whizzzkid.github.io/yt-dl-ipfs/#<video_manifest>

But you can build it locally:

$ npm ci
$ npm run dev
> yt-dl-ipfs@0.1.11 dev
> npm-watch
No task specified. Will go through all possible tasks
[build] [nodemon] 2.0.20
[serve] dev-server PID 84697
[serve] player@4000> [serve]
[dev-server] listening at
src/index.ts → dist...
[build] created dist in 911ms

 → dist/player...
[serve] [nodemon] restarting due to changes...
[serve] [nodemon] starting `npm run -s serve`
[serve] dev-server PID 84706
[serve] player@4000> [serve]
[dev-server] listening at
[build] created dist/player in 805ms
[serve] [nodemon] restarting due to changes...
[build] [nodemon] clean exit - waiting for changes before restart
[serve] [nodemon] starting `npm run -s serve`
[serve] dev-server PID 84713
[serve] player@4000> [serve]
[dev-server] listening at

The player is live:<video_manifest>


The uploader, first downloads the video and then adds it to IPFS, uses that to generate a manifest which looks like: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWBaCX9cx4JTqGwEE7nW5zur5LCE52YVtb4mFFyY1M2uy

When this CID is provided as the hash to the player, the video gets loaded so the above manifest can be played as https://whizzzkid.github.io/yt-dl-ipfs/#QmWBaCX9cx4JTqGwEE7nW5zur5LCE52YVtb4mFFyY1M2uy



