This is a pytorch implementation of the CVPR2020 paper: Transferable, Controllable, and Inconspicuous Adversarial Attacks on Person Re-identification With Deep Mis-Ranking
- 0
- 1
The weight files
#16 opened by Rongmiq - 0
Error while running with CUHK03 dataset
#15 opened by eduardoandrade - 3
Would D leak knowledge to G
#14 opened by Chenfeng1271 - 4
#10 opened by finger-monkey - 4
#13 opened by PhilChina - 0
#12 opened by htyj123 - 1
Black box attack
#11 opened by htyj123 - 0
- 2
We are doing defense based on your code, but we don't know exactly how to customize our model
#8 opened by finger-monkey - 1
Feature Extraction
#7 opened by kuijiang94 - 3
Some question about the mask
#6 opened by BravoLu - 3
- 3
#4 opened by peterzpy - 1
alignedreid.py 缩进没有调整好
#3 opened by junqinyang - 1
utils.py应该取消import cv2
#2 opened by junqinyang - 1
There are some bugs in your code.
#1 opened by BravoLu