
Song Triggered MicroManager control w/ National Instruments for audio/frame info

Primary LanguagePython

Microscope/Micro-Manager triggered song playback.

Waits for songs, and acquires data, with image + sound buffers. Can be triggered to turn light on/off

Effectively a micromanager/national instruments interface.

Framestamps can be send to NI, as can raw audio, to allow matching between audio and video frames.

Video saved in multi-tiff;

Required micromanager set up to allow remote commands (Tools, Options-> RUN SERVER ON PORT 4827).


PyQT5 pyqtgraph pyaudio nidaqmx numpy pycromanager libTIFF

Set up your camera in micromanager, and set remote commands on. For the national instruments card, AI1 is the audio, AI2 is the frames from the camera (e.g. https://www.flirkorea.com/support-center/iis/machine-vision/application-note/configuring-synchronized-capture-with-multiple-cameras/) Input lines to to AI2., for a 6-pin Hirose connectors. This has only been tested w/ BlackFly cameras from FLIR, but since that's all on the micromanager end for the most part, it should work with other cameras.

Digital Output (/dev1/linep/port1) goes to a trigger, if you want to trigger the light on/off for extended recordings that don't need pre-song data.