README in GitHub


This file is used to display how to write markdown grammer, inspired by Jelly (87923)

Author: Heming Wang (Owen)



##***、---、___ Display different lines *** --- ___ #First level title ##Second level title ###Third level title ####Fourth level title #####Fifth level title

##Display text ###Regular text This is some regular text ####About newline You cannot just use enter
actually you can use HTML tags<br> But then what is the point of using markdown?
Add two spaces after last line
Then we are down

Or simply just add a blank line between two lines

###Single line text Hello World ###Block Welcome
Nice to meet you! ###Highlight Thank You . Please Call Me Coder ####Highlight can be used as a tag For instance:
java C++ Socket Scheme ####Strikethrough This is a Strikethrough ####Italic Italic 1

Italic 2 ####Bold Bold 1

Bold 2

##Link ###Linked to outside URLs Google

###Another way to write url MyBlog



###Link URL in this Respotory Book grammer as follows:


###Hashtag Index

##Show pics ###Pics from Internet baidu

###Pics from GitHub ###Add link ![head] [head]:https://github.com/guodongxiaren/ImageCache/raw/master/Logo/jianxin.jpg "BLOG"

##List ###Dots list

  • Nickname:WTD
  • English name:Owen

###More dots

  • Code
    • Script
      • Python

###Num lists ####General

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

####Automatically ranked Choose at the first line 1. ,Use asterik for the rest *

  1. One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six

####Multiple layer of list Multiple layers

  1. Layer 1
    1. Layer 2
      1. Layer 3
      2. Layer 4

Multiple checkboxes

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Qt
  • Android
  • C#
  • .NET

##Block quote

Commonly used in quoted message


令人吃惊的是,在哪种字节顺序是合适的这个问题上,人们表现得非常情绪化。实际上术语“little endian”(小端)和“big endian”(大端)出自Jonathan Swift的《格利佛游记》一书,其中交战的两个派别无法就应该从哪一端打开一个半熟的鸡蛋达成一致。因此,争论沦为关于社会政治的争论。只要选择了一种规则并且始终如一的坚持,其实对于哪种字节排序的选择都是任意的。

Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free.

###Multiple layers of quoted message

Data Structure


Binary Tree


Complete Binary Tree

##Code highlight

public static void main(String[]args){} //Java
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //C
echo "hello GitHub"#Bash
document.getElementById("myH1").innerHTML="Welcome to my Homepage"; //javascipt
string &operator+(const string& A,const string& B) //cpp


Head1 Head2
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
Head1 Head2
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
Name Description
Help Display the help window.
Close Closes a window

You can also use italic, delete line in tables

Name Description
Help Display the help window.
Close Closes a window
Left Center Right
col 3 is some wordy text $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1