Trash Munchers Frontend

License: MIT


Hi! Welcome to the frontend for Trash Munchers, an interactive game about saving the planet by feeding trash-munching monsters.

You're currently looking at the frontend of the project, which is built with SvelteKit.

The folder structure looks as follows:

  • node_modules holds any installed modules
  • src holds the source code
  • static holds any static files, such as images or 3d assets used in the project

Within src, you'll find the following:

  • lib, which holds components and helper functions used in the app
  • routes, which holds all the pages. SvelteKit uses file system routing, so the URL of any given page will correspond to it's file path from the routes directory. E.g. the path ./about will be found at, ./gamekeeper/image-approve will be found at, etc. For a path to be a valid page on the website, it mustinclude a valid +page.svelte file. Additional logic is implemented in page.ts and page.server.ts files, which run client-side and server-side respectfully.


The backend for the project is handled by a RESTful API written in Django, and you can find it here.


This github repository is hooked up to a Vercel server, which automatically stays up to date with the main branch. It deploys to


For development, it is recommended to run a local server to see your changes in real-time. To do so, clone the repository with git clone, then create a new branch to work in with git checkout -b yourfirstname/feature-being-worked-on.

Once you've cloned the project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


Manual building is not necessary thanks to Vercel, but should you wish to build a version of the app for deployement, you can follow the instructions below:

To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

Contributors 💻

Owen Lee
Owen Lee
Ellie Kelemen
Ellie Kelemen
William Liversidge
William Liversidge
Vignesh Mohanarajan
Vignesh Mohanarajan
Scarlett Parker
Scarlett Parker
Malik Besta
Malik Besta