
Welcome to your first Azle project! This example project will help you to deploy your first canister (application) to the Internet Computer (IC) decentralized cloud. It is a simple getter/setter canister. You can always refer to The Azle Book for more in-depth documentation.

dfx is the tool you will use to interact with the IC locally and on mainnet. If you don't already have it installed:

npm run dfx_install

Next you will want to start a replica, which is a local instance of the IC that you can deploy your canisters to:

npm run replica_start

If you ever want to stop the replica:

npm run replica_stop

Now you can deploy your canister locally:

npm install
npm run canister_deploy_local

To call the methods on your canister:

npm run canister_call_get_message
npm run canister_call_set_message

If you run the above commands and then call npm run canister_call_get_message you should see:

("Hello world!")

Assuming you have created a cycles wallet and funded it with cycles, you can deploy to mainnet like this:

npm run canister_deploy_mainnet