
A collection of responsive web design with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript only which implements different creative ideas of understanding how things work as a beginner.

Primary LanguageHTML


Web design starter pack for absoulute beginners having the implementation of some creative ideas. This repository contains


A simple webpage theme changer example using HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript. For, Live Demo Visit Here. This mini static webpage has the features of

  • Light to Dark Mode Switcher
  • Dark to Light Mode Switcher
  • Storing User Choice in Local Storage


Light Dark
Light Image Dark Image

Responsive Design

A simple static web design that represents a small portion of different writings of Bangladesh's national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. See live demo here. This mini static web page contains

  • Responsive design html contents that fits on different devices
  • Charu-Chandan-Ultra-Light fonts from bangla-web-fonts by @maateen


Header Footer
Header Footer