
Datadog middleware for Connect JS / Express

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Datadog middleware for Connect JS / Express


Add middleware immediately before your router.

app.use(require("connect-datadog")({})); app.use(app.router);


All options are optional.

  • dogstatsd node-dogstatsd client. default = new (require("node-dogstatsd")).StatsD()

  • stat string name for the stat. default = "node.express.router"

  • tags array of tags (or function returning array of tags) to be added to the histogram. default = []

    (req, res) => {
      // set tags dynamically
      return ['key:value']
  • sampleRate number sends only a sample of data to StatsD default: 1

  • path boolean include path tag. default = false

  • method boolean include http method tag. default = false

  • protocol boolean include protocol tag. default = false

  • response_code boolean include http response codes. default = false

  • statsCallback function callback hook that provides the following params

    (datadog, stat, sampleRate, statTags, req, res) => {
      // increment coolthing
      datadog.increment(`${stat}.coolthing`, sampleRate, statTags);


View the LICENSE file.