
Sample go application using martini microframework

Primary LanguageGo

Sample Application with Go and Martini

Running Locally

First, you need to have a working go environment:



This go application is using github.com/kr/godeps to manage its dependencies, it is required to install it in order to get the right version of each third-party library.

go get github.com/kr/godeps


godep build



Deploying on Scalingo

Create an application on https://scalingo.com, then:

git remote add scalingo git@scalingo.com:<name_of_your_app>.git
git push scalingo master

And that's it!

The application is running at this url: https://sample-go-martini.scalingo.io/

Deploy in one click

Deploy to Scalingo


https://golang.org https://github.com/go-martini/martini