
Templates and code for rendering the Solar Forecast Arbiter dashboard.

Primary LanguageHTML

Build Status

Solar Forecast Arbiter Dashboard

The front end Flask application for the Solar Forecast Arbiter.

Usage/ Installation

Currently the dashboard is hardcoded to utilize a local development api instance. These instructions will guide you through running it locally.

You will need to set the environment variables AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET and AUTH0_CLIENT_ID for authentication to operate correctly.

  • Install the Solar Forecast Arbiter API and run it with the SFA_API_STATIC_DATA=true option and port set to 5000.

  • Install dashboard with pip install -e .

  • Run the script with python sfa_dash/serve.py

  • Open http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to view the dashboard.

Template Layout


  • Basic html structure, includes navbar, footer and head. Will conditionally include sidebar if sidebar variable is defined.


  • Includes header for logo/site name and main navigation.


  • The html element.


  • Left sidebar html to be included when the sidebar variable is defined either in a template or passed into the render() function.


  • Site footer.


  • Dash includes secondary nav content and anything else that may be section-wide.


  • Templates extending the dash/data.html dashboard.


  • Templates extending the dash/org.html dashboard.


  • Templates to be included in others. I.E. a notifications section.