
A Concourse resource for detecting desired semantic version changes and retrieving a set of semantic version-based configs, by one single YAML file.

Primary LanguageShell

Semver Config Resource

A Concourse resource for detecting desired semantic version changes and retrieving a set of semantic version-based configs, by one single YAML file.

Major features:

  • One yaml file to maintain a set of sementic version-based config items
  • Each config can have arbitrory structure where simply setting version_path to detect new versions and config_path to locate desired config elements
  • Support some useful semantic version detection patterns. For example, m.n.* means I care only Major and Minor version changes; while *.*.p means I care only Patch version changes


Major Change Logs

  • [2019-05-23] Initial release
  • [2019-07-16] Added support for detecting config changes within the same version

The Config File Example

The config file can be any sensible yaml format.

The simlest one might be:

# examples/version-only.yaml
  version: "1.2.3"
  version: "2.0.1"

So we have two products configured with different semantic versions, without any extra config items.

In real world, for example, while maintaining a PCF foundation with lots of products deployed, it can be something like this:

# examples/version-with-product-config.yaml
  product-version: "2.3.4"
  pivnet-product-slug: elastic-runtime
  pivnet-api-token: ((pivnet_token))
  pivnet-file-glob: "*.pivotal"
  stemcell-iaas: google

  product-version: "1.4.0"
  pivnet-product-slug: pivotal-container-service
  pivnet-api-token: ((pivnet_token))
  pivnet-file-glob: "*.pivotal"
  stemcell-iaas: google

Where you have not only the semver, but also a set of config items.

Source Configuration

  • driver: Required. Currently only supports git
  • uri: Required. The location of the git repository
  • branch: Optional. The branch to track. Defaults to master if not set
  • private_key: Optional. The SSH private key that can be used for Git access authentication, if required.
  • username: Optional. The username that can be used for Git access authentication, if required.
  • password: Optional. The password that can be used for Git access authentication, together with username, if required.
  • config_file: Required. The relative path of the config file
  • config_path: Required. The yq-style path, e.g. x.y.z to locate the root of config items
  • initial_version: Optional. The initial version to start with. Defaults to 0.0.0 if not set
  • version_path: Required. The yq-style path, e.g. root.version to locate the root of semver item
  • version_pattern: Required. The pattern to be used for how to detect new versions. Refer to Version Patterns for the supported patterns

Behavior / Interfaces

check: Check for new versions based on desired Semver Pattern

The tracking git repository is cloned to temporary folder and check whether there is a desired newer version based on configured config_file, initial_version, version_path, version_pattern.

The extracted config elements will become resource's metadata, so please use integrated credential manager to handle credentials properly.


in: Get the config items of the desired version

The tracking git repository is cloned to temporary folder and extract the desired config elements based on config_file, config_path.

The extracted config elements will become resource's metadata and a file will be generated as the output which can be customized further by in parameters, as below.


  • filename: Optional. The output file name, without file extension. Defaults to semver-config
  • format: Optional. Supported formats are: json and yaml. Defaults to yaml.

out: No-ops

No-ops for out.

Usage & Examples

Some pipeline examples are provided in /pipelines.

# pipelines/product-config.yaml
  - name: semver-config
    type: docker-image
      repository: itstarting/semver-config-concourse-resource

- name: config
  type: semver-config
    driver: git
    uri: https://github.com/brightzheng100/semver-config-concourse-resource.git
    branch: master
    config_file: examples/version-with-product-config.yaml
    initial_version: 1.0.0                          # optional, defaults to 0.0.0 if not set
    config_path: "elastic-runtime"                  # [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq)-style path
    version_path: "elastic-runtime.product-version" # [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq)-style path
    version_pattern: "m.n.*"                        # refer to Version Patterns for how to detect new versions
- name: job1
  - get: config
      format: yaml     # Optional. Supported formats: `yaml`, `json`. Defaults to `yaml`
    trigger: true

Version Patterns

There are some version detection patterns supported:

  • m.*.*: ONLY Major (m) version change should be detected as a change, e.g. 2.*.* -> 3.*.*
  • m.n.*: BOTH Major (m) AND miNor (n) version change should be detected as a change, e.g. 2.*.* -> 3.*.*, 2.1.* -> 2.2.*
  • m.n.p: Any Major (m), miNor (n), and Patch (p) version change should be detected as a change, e.g. 2.*.* -> 3.*.*, 2.1.* -> 2.2.*, 2.1.5 -> 2.1.9
  • *.n.*: ONLY miNor (m) version change should be detected as a change, e.g. 2.2.* -> 2.3.*
  • *.*.p: ONLY Patch (p) version change should be detected as a change, e.g. 2.2.4 -> 2.2.9



  • yq: v2.3.0 is tested; other versions may also work
  • jq: v1.5 is tested; other versions may also work
  • Bats
  • Git client
  • Bash


Some submodules have been used in this repo for testing purposes.

$ mkdir -p tests/libs

$ git submodule add https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core.git tests/libs/bats
$ git submodule add https://github.com/ztombol/bats-support tests/libs/bats-support
$ git submodule add https://github.com/ztombol/bats-assert tests/libs/bats-assert

So if you want to run the test cases by yourself, do this:

$ git submodule update --init

$ bats tests/check.bats
$ bats tests/in.bats


Please make all pull requests to the master branch and ensure tests are added to /tests/check.bats and/or /tests/in.bats.