
Go package providing tools for indexing Who's On First records in Postgres databases.

Primary LanguageGo


Go package providing tools for indexing Who's On First records in Postgres databases.


Documentation is incomplete at this time.

Under the hood

This package is a very thin wrapper around the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-database package. That package provides all of the actual functionality for indexing Who's On First records but does NOT load any specific database/sql drivers. That happens in this package.

It uses the lib/pq database driver for interacting with Postgres.


$> make cli
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-sqlite-index cmd/wof-postgres-index/main.go


Index one or more Who's On First sources in a Postgres database.

$> ./bin/wof-postgres-index -h
    	Index all tables (except the 'search' and 'geometries' tables which you need to specify explicitly)
    	Index the 'ancestors' tables
    	Index the 'concordances' tables
  -database-uri string
    	A URI in the form of 'sql://{DATABASE_SQL_ENGINE}?dsn={DATABASE_SQL_DSN}'. For example: 'sql://postgres?dsn=user=asc host=localhost dbname=whosonfirst sslmode=disable'
    	Index the 'geojson' table
    	Index the 'geometries' table (requires that libspatialite already be installed)
  -index-alt value
    	Zero or more table names where alt geometry files should be indexed.
    	Index alt geometries. This flag is deprecated, please use -index-alt=TABLE,TABLE,etc. instead. To index alt geometries in all the applicable tables use -index-alt=*
    	Index the records related to a feature, specifically wof:belongsto, wof:depicts and wof:involves. Alt files for relations are not indexed at this time.
  -index-relations-reader-uri string
    	A valid go-reader.Reader URI from which to read data for a relations candidate.
  -iterator-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v2 URI. Supported emitter URI schemes are: directory://,featurecollection://,file://,filelist://,geojsonl://,null://,repo:// (default "repo://")
    	Index the 'names' table
    	Attempt to optimize the database before closing connection (default true)
  -processes int
    	The number of concurrent processes to index data with (default 20)
    	Index the 'properties' table
    	Index the 'rtree' table
    	Index the 'search' table (using SQLite FTS4 full-text indexer)
    	If true then index the necessary tables for use with the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-sqlite package.
    	Index the 'spelunker' table
    	If true then index the necessary tables for use with the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spelunker packages
    	Index the 'spr' table
    	Be strict when indexing alt geometries (default true)
    	Index the 'supersedes' table
    	Display timings during and after indexing
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging

For example:

$> ./bin/wof-postgres-index \
	-database-uri 'sql://postgres?dsn=user=asc host=localhost dbname=whosonfirst sslmode=disable' \
	-timings -spatial-tables \

2024/12/14 13:09:19 INFO Time to index table table=geojson count=40089 time=14.284594424s
2024/12/14 13:09:19 INFO Time to index table table=properties count=40089 time=8.692767507s
2024/12/14 13:09:19 INFO Time to index table table=spr count=40089 time=16.922203837s
2024/12/14 13:09:19 INFO Time to index table table=geometries count=40089 time=19.79474847s
2024/12/14 13:09:19 INFO Time to index all count=40089 time=1m0.000138958s
2024/12/14 13:15:19 INFO Time to index table table=spr count=419039 time=2m1.527413667s
2024/12/14 13:15:19 INFO Time to index table table=geometries count=419039 time=1m53.67685761s
2024/12/14 13:15:19 INFO Time to index table table=geojson count=419039 time=1m46.150728117s
2024/12/14 13:15:19 INFO Time to index table table=properties count=419039 time=1m15.808681398s
2024/12/14 13:15:19 INFO Time to index all count=419039 time=7m0.005669541s
2024/12/14 13:15:31 time to index paths (1) 7m12.867244416s

See also