Shared utilities for working with Who's On First documents and Tile38 indices
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt .
This library is provided as-is, right now. It lacks proper documentation which will probably make it hard for you to use unless you are willing to poke and around and investigate things on your own.
import mapzen.whosonfirst.tile38
client = mapzen.whosonfirst.tile38.client()
rsp = client.nearby(51.06078, 6.094941, 500)
# or this:
# cmd = "NEARBY whosonfirst POINT 51.06078 6.094941 500"
# rsp =
for row in rsp['objects']:
print row['id']
import mapzen.whosonfirst.tile38
import mapzen.whosonfirst.placetypes
if __name__ == '__main__':
pt = mapzen.whosonfirst.placetypes.placetype('venue')
filters = { 'wof:placetype_id': }
cl = mapzen.whosonfirst.tile38.whosonfirst_client()
rsp = cl.nearby(37.775159, -122.413316, 10, filters=filters)
print cl.rsp2features(rsp, fetch_names=True)
# prints
# [{'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.413361, 37.775088]}, 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': {'wof:name': u'El Dorado Hotel', u'wof:placetype_id': 102312325, u'wof:id': 286765465}}]
rsp = cl.nearby_paginated(37.775159, -122.413316, 1000)
print len(rsp['objects'])
# prints
# 5268