
OpenSearch schema files (and friends) for Who's On First projects.

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OpenSearch schema files (and friends) for Who's On First projects.


Documentation is incomplete.


All of these examples assume you are using a local Docker instance running a containerized version of OpenSearch.

Who's On First Spelunker

Creating an index

$> cat schema/2.x/mappings.spelunker.json | \
	curl -k \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-X PUT \
	https://admin:$(OSPSWD)@localhost:9200/spelunker \
	-d @-


It is also necessary to bump the "total_fields" limit on the index since any give Who's On First repository can exceed the default limit of 1000 fields:

$> curl -k \
	-H 'Content-type:application/json' \
	-XPUT https://admin:$(OSPSWD)@localhost:9200/spelunker/_settings \
	-d '{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 7000}'

6000, it turns out, is still too small.

Indexing data

Using the wof-opensearch-index tool from the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-opensearch package:

$> bin/wof-opensearch-index \
	-writer-uri 'constant://?val=opensearch2%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9200%2Fspelunker%3Fusername%3Dadmin%26password%3...%26debug%3Dtrue%26insecure%3Dtrue%26require-tls%3Dtrue' \

See also