
Minecraft 1.12.2 Bot API

Primary LanguageJava

Minecraft 1.12.2 Simple bot API

Can be used to create a basic bot for 1.12.2 servers, performing actions by simply receiving and sending the right packets to the server.

Build the API

You will need maven: $ mvn clean package
The jar will be created in the target folder.

Create a bot

Create a class extending rawbot.bot.Bot and implement the abstract methods.
Run it by calling run on your bot from your main method.

Check rawbot/bot/examples/ChatDumpBot.java & Example.java for an example.

Run the example

Run the chat dump bot.

Compile it: $ javac Example.java -cp target/rawBot-1.0.jar
Run it on a server: $ java -cp target/rawBot-1.0.jar:. Example <host> [port]

After authentication your tokens will be saved in token.txt for future uses.