
A simple calculator for translating currency units into weight in silver and gold, and vice versa.

Primary LanguageRuby

We all hate the trickiness of the fiat debt units issued by governments worldwide and would prefer to undertake transactions using real money.

Introducing FIAT NAVIGATOR A simple calculator for translating currency units into weight in silver and gold, and vice versa.


  git clone git@github.com:stevenzeiler/fiat_navigator.git
  cd fiat_navigator
  gem build fiat_navigator.gemspec
  gem install fiat_navigator


require 'fiat_navigator'
=> true 

I want to pay a friend about the value of $500, in gold

gold = FiatNavigator.translate_to_gold 500, :dollars 

puts gold
=> "0.3009 ounces gold"

puts gold.unit
=> :ounces

puts gold.amount
=> 0.3009 

I have gold but I need $500 cash, and must sell some

dollars = FiatNavigator.translate_to_dollars 0.2, :ounces, :gold  

puts dollars
=> "332.30 dollars" 

puts dollars.unit
=> :dollars

puts dollars.amount  
=> 332.30

I have 0.2 ounces gold but I need to move it into the mainstream banking or financial system

=> Error: Hopefully this tool will not be used to facilitate such disappointing behavior. 

I want to review the last full translation

=> "0.2 ounces gold translates to 332.30 dollars"

Or all transactions from this session

=> ["0.2 ounces gold translates to 332.30 dollars", "500 dollars translates to 0.3009 ounces gold"]

The navigator works with real time gold prices from goldmoney.com

=> "$1,653.60" 

=> "$53.1636"