
Silence mypy by adding or removing code comments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automatically add or remove # type: ignore commends to silence mypy. Inspired by pylint-silent


Imagine you want to add type check for a legacy code base which has thounds of exisiting mypy errors. Instead of trying to fix all the exisiting errors, mypy-silent allows you to ignore the exisiting errors and adopt type checking right now.

Although the exisiting errors are ignored, all the new code are type checked -- so you can moving towards fully type checked step by step.

Install & Usage

WARNING: mypy-silent modifies files in place. You should use some version control system ( like git ) to prevent losing codes.

pip install mypy-silent

mypy . # Whoa, lots of type error!
mypy . | mypy-silent # mypy-silent will add or remove `# type: ignore` commends to your code
mypy . # mypy should report 0 errors now.



  • Add support for removing unused type ignores with error codes #42


  • Add error code to ignore message comment.Instead of just adding # type: ignore we now add # type: ignore[misc] #41


  • Fix import error on Python < 3.8


  • Support parsing mypy >=0.900 messages


  • Initial release