
A pre-commit hook that checks that all your JSON5 files are pretty.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A pre-commit hook that checks that all your JSON5 files are pretty.


- repo: https://github.com/whtsky/pre-commit-pretty-format-json5
  rev: "1.0.0"
    - id: pretty-format-json5

commandline options:

  • --no-autofix - Don't automatically format json files
  • --indent ... - Control the indentation (either a number for a number of spaces or a string of whitespace). Defaults to 2 spaces.
  • --ensure-ascii converte unicode characters to escape sequences
  • --no-sort-keys - when autofixing, retain the original key ordering (instead of sorting the keys)
  • --top-keys comma,separated,keys - Keys to keep at the top of mappings.