Kinect + Google Cardboard to build a new fancy way to chat with each other. Not only voice, picture, but also real movement in virtual world.
1: Player enter the virtual world by take on Google Cardboard, with mobile phone inside.
2: Player can see himself and the another player.
3: Player can move around, but still in the available area supported by Kinect.
4: Real-time communication with voice and guesture.
1: Windows operation system to run the server
2: Kinect 2
3: Google Cardboard * 2
4: Mobile phone * 2
Using Kinect SDK to capture player movement, sending body joints data to application, supporting up to two people.
Using Unity to build 3D model and deploy to different platform, including Android and iOS.
1: Player login from mobile app, using TCP.
2: Server sending Kinect data to player, using UDP.
3: Players communicate with each other, using TCP.