
async RPC implemented by async message-passing

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


async RPC implemented by async message-passing

  • using macro to replace thrift IDL, e.g.:
namespace cpp org.example.msgrpc.thrift

struct SingleOptionalFieldStruct {
    1: optional i16  value,
    2: required i64  value64,

struct EmbeddedStruct {
    1: required byte es_i8,
    2: optional i16  es_i16,

struct ResponseData {
    1:  required i32                         pet_id,
    2:  required string                      pet_name,
    3:  required i32                         pet_weight,
    4:  required byte                        pet_i8_value,
    5:  required i16                         pet_i16_value,
    6:  required i64                         pet_i64_value,
    7:  required double                      pet_double_value,
    8:  required bool                        pet_bool_value,
    9:  required binary                      pet_binary_value,
    10: required EmbeddedStruct              pet_embedded_struct,
    11: required list<i32>                   pet_list_i32,
    12: required list<EmbeddedStruct>        pet_list_of_struct,
    13: optional list<bool>                  pet_list_of_bool,
    14: optional set<i32>                    pet_set_of_i32,
    15: optional set<EmbeddedStruct>         pet_set_of_struct,
    16: optional map<i32, string>            pet_map_i32_string,
    17: optional map<string, EmbeddedStruct> pet_map_string_struct,

can be write in msgrpc DSL:

___def_service(demo, 1.0.3) {
        #define ___fields_of_struct___SingleOptionalFieldStruct(_, ...)            \
            _(1, optional, int16_t, value,                  (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(2, required, int64_t, value64,                (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        #define ___fields_of_struct___EmbeddedStruct(_, ...)                     \
            _(1, required, int8_t,  es_i8,                (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(2, optional, int16_t, es_i16,               (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        typedef std::map <int32_t, std::string> map_int32_string;
        typedef std::map <std::string, EmbeddedStruct> map_string_struct;
        #define ___fields_of_struct___ResponseData(_, ...)                                             \
            _(1,  required, int32_t,                     pet_id,                (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(2,  required, std::string,                 pet_name,              (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(3,  required, int32_t,                     pet_weight,            (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(4,  required, int8_t,                      pet_i8_value,          (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(5,  required, int16_t,                     pet_i16_value,         (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(6,  required, int64_t,                     pet_i64_value,         (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(7,  required, double,                      pet_double_value,      (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(8,  required, bool,                        pet_bool_value,        (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(9,  required, binary,                      pet_binary_value,      (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(10, required, EmbeddedStruct,              pet_embedded_struct,   (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(11, required, std::vector<int32_t>,        pet_list_i32,          (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(12, required, std::vector<EmbeddedStruct>, pet_list_of_struct,    (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(13, optional, std::vector<bool>,           pet_list_of_bool,      (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(14, optional, std::set<int32_t>,           pet_set_of_i32,        (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(15, optional, std::set<EmbeddedStruct>,    pet_set_of_struct,     (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(16, optional, map_int32_string,            pet_map_i32_string,    (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(17, optional, map_string_struct,           pet_map_string_struct, (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        #define ___fields_of_struct___RequestFoo(_, ...)                     \
            _(1, required, int32_t,  reqa,            (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(2, optional, int32_t,  reqb,            (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        #define ___fields_of_struct___ResponseBar(_, ...)                    \
            _(1, required, int32_t,  rspa,            (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(2, optional, int32_t,  rspb,            (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        #define ___methods_of_interface___InterfaceX(_, ...)\
            _(1, ResponseBar, ______sync_x, RequestFoo, (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        ___as_interface(InterfaceX, 1);
        #define ___methods_of_interface___InterfaceY(_, ...)                                      \
            _(1, ResponseBar, ______sync_y                   , RequestFoo, (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(2, ResponseBar, _____async_y                   , RequestFoo, (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(3, ResponseBar, ______sync_y_failed            , RequestFoo, (comments), __VA_ARGS__)\
            _(4, ResponseBar, ______sync_y_failed_immediately, RequestFoo, (comments), __VA_ARGS__)
        ___as_interface(InterfaceY, 2);

  • type mapping
bool      bool
byte      int8_t
i16       int16_t
i32       int32_t
i64       int64_t
double    double
string    std::string
binary    binary
list      std::vector
set       std::set
map       std::map