
A curated list of resources by the snõwkit collective (http://snowkit.org/)

Awesome snõwkit

A curated list of resources for the snõwkit collective.

snowkit is a collective, a group of libraries, tools and developers with a common set of goals toward a high quality eco system, for the Haxe toolkit.



  • snowkit docset: Offline API documention for snow, luxe, Gesluxe, Nape and the Haxe Standard Library



Editor Support

Sublime Text


flõw resources

flow is a project based build tool for Haxe, taking a simple json based project description and converting it into a usable application, complete with icons, file templating, binary compression, built in server and more.


Editor Integrations

snõw resources

snow is a free, open source light, pure and clean toolkit for building frameworks, applications and games using Haxe, targeting native platforms and web browser.



  • horror: Mid-level 2D GPU framework. Compatible with OpenFL, Lime and snow.
  • BabylonHx: A direct port of Babylon.js 3D engine to snow.

luxe resources

luxe is a high level, rapid development game engine for deploying games or applications across Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and WebGL.



Other Projects

Ludum Dare 31

Ludum Dare 32


  • Slush generator: Tool for generating new luxe projects, states, entities, components and more
  • Parcel generator: Tool for auto-generating a parcel.json-file from a directory



  • Gesluxe: Gesture library.
  • Rainbow: Text coloring/sizing per character.
  • Gif: Library agnostic Haxe Gif encoder.
  • Behavior Trees: Behavior Tree implementation with Luxe sample.
  • Maze Generator: Library of algorithms for generating mazes.
  • L-System: Lindenmayer system for generating trees.


  • Gradient: Gradient component for Luxe.
  • Hover Alpha: Basic hover alpha button component.
  • Camera Drag: Simple camera drag + zoom script.
  • Trail Renderer: A trail renderer component using a triangle mesh.
  • Player Team: Example of making a flag/team component.
  • FPS: Frames per second text component.



Closed Source Games

  • 3720 (Mac/Windows, free¹): Space shooter/dodger from a pigsquad game jam.
  • Marballs (Mac/Windows, free¹): It's marbles, bumping into each other.
  • Zombie Shooter (Mac, free¹): An in-development top down shooter.
  • BYRL (Mac/Windows, free¹): Backyard roguelike.

¹ Name your own price (can be free).

hxsw resources

hxsw is Haxe Shader Wrangler, a string manipulation library, that offers a simple structured effect file format for managing variations of shaders, with line and directive injection and quasi pathing through an effect key.


mínt resources

mint is a game focused UI library with a focus on simplicitly and ease of use.

Development logs

scrìbe resources

scribe is a documentation generator for the xml documentation files that Haxe outputs.


deviše resources

devise is a cross platform editor interface for building media content.