To raster the LiDAR point cloud, to save the memory, we can only save one label for each pixel, because building is the important part in the project (GENESE). So if in the pixel, there is a building point, we set this pixel to building label. For the other class, we save the last label.
The out put file is a Tiff file with tfw, so that this file can have the geo-information, and this can be open with QGIS, so that the output can be overlap with the other data.
After discussing with Bruno, we think it's better to use a priority and z value to select the class, so the priority should be set, the class should set a positive value for the priority. (This first version is equal to building is 1 and the other classes are 0).
The class in LiDARHD, detail can find in the document :
Valeur | Description |
1 | Non classé |
2 | Sol |
3 | Végétation basse (0-50 cm) |
4 | Végétation moyenne (50 cm-1,50 m) |
5 | Végétation haute (+1,50 m) |
6 | Bâtiment |
9 | Eau |
17 | Tablier de pont |
64 | Sursol pérenne |
65 | Artefacts |
66 | Points virtuels |
67 | Divers - bâtis |
For class 66, "Seuls les « nuages de points optimisés » contiennent des points classés avec cette valeur.", so at present, this class is not shown in the image.
For the class 64-67, the color bar depends on the QGIS label, so the color probably not same with QGIS.
The code depends on my code projects :
Because the code depends on OpenImageIO , because we only write Tiff format, so it is easy to install.
# libtiff
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
make \
git \
automake \
libtool \
zlib1g-dev \
libboost-all-dev \
libtiff-dev \
libpng-dev \
libjpeg-dev \
# code from OpenImageIO
git clone --recurse && \
cd oiio && \
mkdir build && \
cd build && \
make -j16 &&
sudo make install
This part is already in the code repository, so it doesn't matter.
It's easy to use the code, the comande line is :
If there is no WEIGHT file, so the max Z is used in the class priority.
There is an example using the LiDARHD :
cd LiDAR_Raster_Class
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
./ConvertLasImage '/home/whuwuteng/AI4GEO-Toulouse-IMAGE/ALS/LHD_FXX_0574_6277_PTS_C_LAMB93_IGN69.copc.laz' 0.15 '/home/whuwuteng/AI4GEO-Toulouse-IMAGE/ALS/raster2.tif' ../weight.txt
The example is shown (convert to png) :
Raster image |
In order to analysis the building footprint in 2D, so only building class is considered in the output, so there are two versions of code, only produce the color of building :
./ConvertLasImageBat '/home/TWu-Admin/Lyon/all.copc.laz' 0.15 '/home/TWu-Admin/Lyon/all.copc2.tif'
The origin all class image is shown (convert to png) :
Raster image Lyon |
Only building class image is shown (convert to png) :
Raster image Lyon building |
The second version is similar, but the height of the building is an important information in 3D, so the height of the building is saved in an image, the command line is :
./ConvertLasImageHeigth '/home/TWu-Admin/Lyon/all.copc.laz' 0.15 '/home/TWu-Admin/Lyon/all.copc3.tif'
In order to process Large LAS file, a new code is available :
./ConvertBigLasImageBat '/home/TWu-Admin/loos/all.copc.laz' 0.15 '/home/TWu-Admin/loos/all.copc.png'
Only building class image is shown (convert to png) :
Raster image Loos building |
If you think you have any problem, contact [Teng Wu]