vue component for multiple image comparison.
multiple images can be panned and scaled simultaneously and compared by pixel-wise.
currently supported only 8bit jpg and png format.
jsfiddle1 - using web image url:
jsfiddle2 - diff blur images:
jsfiddle3 - using input event:
npm i vue-image-diff
in Vue Project
<vue-image-diff :data="data" :options="options" :options-tool-bar="optionsToolBar" />
import vueImageDiff from 'vue-image-diff'
export default {
components: {
'vue-image-diff': vueImageDiff
in html
<script src="vue.js"></script><!-- include vue.js first! -->
<script src="VueImageDiff.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<vue-image-diff :data=data :options=options :options-tool-bar=optionsToolBar />
new Vue({
el: '.container',
components: {
'vue-image-diff': vueImageDiff
data: {
return {
data: [],
options: {}
An array of objects that hold image information.
data = [
name: 'korea Mountains', // String: text to show overlay region
blob: blob, // Blob: ImageBlob to show
ext: 'jpg' // String: 'jpg' or 'png'
params: {author: 'fxgsell'}, // Object, (optional): default value is {}. text to show overlay region
id: id // String, (optional): default value is created by uuid4(). unique id
An object that gives information about the initial state of the component.
options = {
coord: {
x: 0,
// Number, (optional): default value is 0. coordinate x
y: 0
// Number, (optional): default value is 0. coordinate y
zoom: 1,
/* Number, (optional): default value is calculate by windows. zoom, scale value.
1 is original scale */
voi: {
windowCenter: 127,
// Number, (optional): default value is 127. range (0, 255]. adjust brightness
windowWidth: 256
// Number, (optional): default value is 256. range (1, 256]. adjust contrast
predefinedImageSize: {
width: undefined,
/* Number or undefined, (optional): default value in undefined. width to be resized.
if not set, other images are resized based on the first image size. */
height: undefined
/* Number or undefined, (optional): default value in undefined. height to be resized.
if not set, other images are resized based on the first image size. */
diff: {
activate: false,
// Bool, (optional): default value is false. flag to show diff ovelary
reference: {
id: undefined,
/* String or undefined, (optional): default value is undefined. base image to diff.
if not set, it is selected as the first image. */
tolerance: 1,
/* Number, (optional): default value is 1. range [1, 441].
if difference value(Mean Square Error) is greater than or equal tolerance,
pixel is set difference-tag. opposite, set same-tag less than tolerance. */
opacity: 0.7,
// Number, (optional): default value is 0.7. range (0, 1). opacity of diff overlay
colors: {
same: new Uint8ClampedArray([0, 0, 255]),
// Array, (optional): default value is [0, 0, 255]. color rgb of same-tag pixel
diff: new Uint8ClampedArray([255, 0, 0])
// Array, (optional): default value is [0, 0, 255]. color rgb of diff-tag pixel
style: {
borderWidth: 1,
// Number, (optional): default value is [1, infty). border width between frames.
borderColor: new Uint8ClampedArray([255, 0, 0]),
// Array, (optional): default value is [255, 0, 0]. color rgb of border
showOverlayText: true,
// Bool, (optional): default value is true. flag to show overlay text
frameRowCount: 3
/* Number or undefined, (optional): default value is undefined. range [1, infty).
frame row count. if not set, calcuate by data length. */
An object that gives information about the initial state of the component toolbar.
optToolBar = {
show: true, // Bool, (optional)
pan: {
show: true, // Bool, (optional)
disabled: false // Bool, (optional)
zoom: {
show: true, // Bool, (optional)
disabled: false // Bool, (optional)
diff: {
show: true, // Bool, (optional)
ref: {
show: true // Bool, (optional)
tolerance: {
show: true // Bool, (optional)
- openControlPanel: open Control panel.
- resetState: reset to initial state.
- setState: set new state.
- getState: get current state.
- onstatechange: vue-event raised when state change with state object. you can catch like this
<vue-image-diff ... @onstatechange="listener" ... />
- left mouse & touch drag - panning
- mouse wheel & pinch to zoom - zoom in / out
- mouse doubleclick - change reference image for diff
- right mouse drag - adjust brightness and contrast
- Google Chrome 77+
- Google Chrome 77+ on Android 9+
- Mozilla FireFox 68+
- vue:
- cornerstone-core:
- jpeg-js:
- pngjs:
- element-resize-event:
- vue-lodash:
- @vue/cli-plugin-babel
- @vue/cli-plugin-eslint
- @vue/cli-service
- babel-eslint
- eslint
- eslint-plugin-vue
- vue-template-compiler
- support tiff, bmp and 16bit png format.
- reduce library size.
- add SSIM