
Dead simple prisma bug setup to prove existence or absence of bugs

Primary LanguageTypeScript

C'est quoi ça?

This is a simple repo that setups up Prisma so that you can confirm something about it, like how a command works, or whether it has a bug somewhere, and so on. For instance, in index.ts, we show a bug with deleteMany (it deletes records when the notIn predicate for the where clause for an attribute is undefined or an empty array). Change that code or the schema.prisma file to test anything you want.



  • npm install

then create the local db. Depending on how you installed Postgres, you need to create a DB and set said DB's url in .env. For instance, Run:

createdb removeMe

obviously, if you used this repo before, remove this DB to reset it.

then set this in your local .env file:

echo DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/removeMe > .env

then run:

run migrations:

npx prisma migrate dev

and finally generate your client:

npx prisma generate

and run your script: npx ts-node index.ts


Once done with your experiments, nuke the DB:

dropdb removeMe