Calamity is a Haskell library for writing discord bots, it uses Polysemy as the core library for handling effects, allowing you to pick and choose how to handle certain features of the library.
If you're looking for something with a less complicated interface, you might want to take a look at discord-haskell.
The current customisable effects are:
Cache: The default cache handler keeps the cache in memory, however you could write a cache handler that stores cache in a database for example.
Metrics: The library has counters, gauges, and histograms installed to measure useful things, by default these are not used (and cost nothing), but could be combined with Prometheus. An example of using prometheus as the metrics handler can be found here.
Logging: The di-polysemy library is used to allow the logging effect to be customized, or disabled.
You can find documentation on hackage at:
There's also a good blog post that covers the fundamentals of writing a bot with the library, you can read it here:
Some example projects can be found at:
- simmsb/calamity-bot: Uses a database, showing modularisation of groups/commands.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Calamity
import Calamity.Cache.InMemory
import Calamity.Commands
import qualified Calamity.Commands.Context as CommandContext
import Calamity.Metrics.Noop
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Text.Lazy ( Text, fromStrict )
import Data.Text.Strict.Lens
import qualified Di
import qualified DiPolysemy as DiP
import qualified Polysemy as P
import qualified Polysemy.Async as P
import qualified Polysemy.AtomicState as P
import qualified Polysemy.Embed as P
import qualified Polysemy.Fail as P
import Prelude hiding ( error )
import TextShow
data Counter m a where
GetCounter :: Counter m Int
P.makeSem ''Counter
runCounterAtomic :: P.Member (P.Embed IO) r => P.Sem (Counter ': r) a -> P.Sem r a
runCounterAtomic m = do
var <- P.embed $ newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
P.runAtomicStateTVar var $ P.reinterpret (\case
GetCounter -> P.atomicState (\v -> (v + 1, v))) m
handleFailByLogging m = do
r <- P.runFail m
case r of
Left e -> DiP.error (e ^. packed)
_ -> pure ()
info, debug :: BotC r => Text -> P.Sem r ()
info =
debug =
tellt :: (BotC r, Tellable t) => t -> Text -> P.Sem r (Either RestError Message)
tellt t m = tell t $ L.toStrict m
main :: IO ()
main = do
token <- view packed <$> getEnv "BOT_TOKEN" $ \di ->
void . P.runFinal . P.embedToFinal . DiP.runDiToIO di . runCounterAtomic . runCacheInMemory . runMetricsNoop . useConstantPrefix "!"
$ runBotIO (BotToken token) defaultIntents $ do
addCommands $ do
command @'[User] "utest" $ \ctx u -> do
void $ tellt ctx $ "got user: " <> showtl u
command @'[Named "u" User, Named "u1" User] "utest2" $ \ctx u u1 -> do
void $ tellt ctx $ "got user: " <> showtl u <> "\nand: " <> showtl u1
command @'[L.Text, Snowflake User] "test" $ \ctx something aUser -> do
info $ "something = " <> showt something <> ", aUser = " <> showt aUser
command @'[] "hello" $ \ctx -> do
void $ tellt ctx "heya"
group "testgroup" $ do
command @'[[L.Text]] "test" $ \ctx l -> do
void $ tellt ctx ("you sent: " <> showtl l)
command @'[] "count" $ \ctx -> do
val <- getCounter
void $ tellt ctx ("The value is: " <> showtl val)
group "say" $ do
command @'[KleenePlusConcat L.Text] "this" $ \ctx msg -> do
void $ tellt ctx msg
command @'[Snowflake Emoji] "etest" $ \ctx e -> do
void $ tellt ctx $ "got emoji: " <> showtl e
command @'[] "explode" $ \ctx -> do
Just x <- pure Nothing
debug "unreachable!"
command @'[] "bye" $ \ctx -> do
void $ tellt ctx "bye!"
command @'[] "fire-evt" $ \ctx -> do
fire $ customEvt @"my-event" ("aha" :: L.Text, ctx ^. #message)
command @'[L.Text] "wait-for" $ \ctx s -> do
void $ tellt ctx ("waiting for !" <> s)
waitUntil @'MessageCreateEvt (\msg -> msg ^. #content == ("!" <> s))
void $ tellt ctx ("got !" <> s)
react @'MessageCreateEvt $ \msg -> handleFailByLogging $ case msg ^. #content of
"!say hi" -> replicateM_ 3 . P.async $ do
info "saying heya"
Right msg' <- tellt msg "heya"
info "sleeping"
P.embed $ threadDelay (5 * 1000 * 1000)
info "slept"
void . invoke $ EditMessage (msg ^. #channelID) msg' (Just "lol") Nothing
info "edited"
_ -> pure ()
react @('CustomEvt "command-error" (CommandContext.Context, CommandError)) $ \(ctx, e) -> do
info $ "Command failed with reason: " <> showt e
case e of
ParseError n r -> void . tellt ctx $ "Failed to parse parameter: `" <> L.fromStrict n <> "`, with reason: ```\n" <> r <> "```"
react @('CustomEvt "my-event" (L.Text, Message)) $ \(s, m) ->
void $ tellt m ("Somebody told me to tell you about: " <> s)
The library logs on debug levels by default, if you wish to disable logging you can do something along the lines of: $ \di ->
-- ...
. runDiToIO di
-- disable logs emitted inside calamity
. DiPolysemy.local (Di.Core.filter (\_ _ _ -> False))
. runBotIO -- ...
-- re-enable logs emitted inside your bot's code
. DiPolysemy.local (const di)