
UW-Madison CS537 course project p3 (537make)

Primary LanguageC

CS537 P3 (537make)


  • This project repo will be make public only AFTER the assignment is due

Grade: 13/10


Name CSlogin NetID
Hanyuan Wu hanyuan hwu384
Zhihao Shu hshu zshu9


  • After git clone:
  • bash> cd cs537_p3
  • bash> make


  • ./537make [-f <makefile>] [target]
  • ./537make [target] [-f <makefile>]
  • IO redirections in makefile commands are allowed

Brief Summary

  • A mini c-based implement of make, allowing specfying the name of makefile and target.

Program Features

  • Use -f <makefile> to specify the name of makefile other than default names. Default names are makefile (first priority) and Makefile.
  • By running without specfying [target], it will make the first target build in makefile
  • IO redirections are allowed in command lines within the makefile, using < and >.
  • can check and report cycle (infinite dependent loop) in makefile