Event Centric AI Research (Survey)



Human languages always involve the description of real-world events, and so do millions of videos on the Internet.

NLP Tasks

0. Annotation Efforts

1. Event extraction (Detection)



2. Event Coreference Resolution



3. Temporal Relation & Duration


  • TimeML: a specification language for events and temporal expressions; EVENT, TIMEX3, SIGNAL, and LINK.
  • 2012 i2b2 Challenge: The Sixth Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) Natural Language Processing Challenge for Clinical Records focused on the temporal relations in clinical narratives.
  • TB-Dense: 12,715 labeled relations over 36 TimeBank newspaper articles; TB-Dense has 1.1K verb events, between which 3.4K event-event (EE) relations are annotated (excerpt from MATRES paper); train / dev / test (doc: 22 / 5 / 9; pair: 4023 / 629 / 1427)
  • RED: The Richer Event Description (RED) corpus presents 95 documents (totaling 54287 tokens) sampled both from news data and casual discussion forum interactions, which contain 8731 events, 1127 temporal expressions (TIMEX3s, section time, and document time labels), and 10320 entity markables. It contains 2390 identity chains, 1863 bridging relations, and 4969 event-event relations encompassing temporal, causal and subevent relations (as well as aspectual ALINK relations and reporting relations), as well as 8731 DOCTIMEREL temporal annotations linking these events to the document time.
  • TCR: 25 newswire articles collected from CNN in 2010.
  • MATRES: 275 documents; 72% of the events (0.8K) are anchored onto the main axis, resulting in 1.6K EE relations, and 16% (0.2K) are anchored onto orthogonal axes, resulting in 0.2K EE relations; train / dev / test (doc: 183 / 72 / 20; pair: 6332 / - / 827)
  • McTaco: 13K tuples, in the form of (sentence, question, candidate answer)
  • TORQUE: a new English reading comprehension benchmark built on 3.2k news snippets with 21k human-generated questions querying temporal relationships


4. Causal relations et al. (pre-condition, enablement, counterfactual, implicit causal)


  • RED
  • CaTeRs
  • ESTER: five types of event semantic relations: CAUSAL, SUB-EVENT, CO-REFERENCE, CONDITIONAL and COUNTERFACTUAL


5. Super-sub (parent-child) relations / Event Hierarchy Construction


  • RED
  • HiEve: randomly selected 100 documents from the GraphEve corpus, which contains gold-annotated event mentions; given a pair of event mentions, annotators were instructed to annotate one of the following relation types: SuperSub, SubSuper, Coref, NoRel
  • IC: 100 texts in the IC domain; annotated only instances of full coreference, Subevent, and Member relations


6. Essentiality & Salience



7. Goal / Intention Detection


8. Implicit Events

9. Schema Induction


  • Li et al., EMNLP'20: Event Graph Schema, where two event types are connected through multiple paths involving entities that fill important roles in a coherent story; introduce Path Language Model, an auto-regressive language model trained on event-event paths, and select salient and coherent paths to probabilistically construct these graph schemas.
  • Zhang et al., EMNLP'20: leverages analogies among processes and conceptualization of sub-event instances to predict the whole sub-event sequence of previously unseen open-domain processes

Event & Discourse

10. Event Representation & Application


11. Common Sense & Knowledge


12. Event Knowledge Graphs

  • EventKG: A Multilingual Event-Centric Temporal Knowledge Graph
  • ASER: Activities, States, Events, and their Relations
  • EventWiki: EventWiki concentrate on major events, in which all entries in EventWiki are important events in mankind history.

Events in CV

1. Event Extraction



2. Event Grounding


3. Action Localization & Event Captioning


4. Event Prediction


1. Meta-Learning

2. Constrained Learning

  • Han et al., EMNLP'20: propose a framework that enhances deep neural network with distributional constraints constructed by probabilistic domain knowledge. We solve the constrained inference problem via Lagrangian Relaxation and apply it to end-to-end event temporal relation extraction tasks
  • Wang et al., EMNLP'20

3. Zero-shot (few-shot) Learning

4. Graph Networks

  • Chen et al., AACL'20: build graphs with candidate role filler extractions enriched by sentential embeddings as nodes, and use graph attention networks to identify event regions in a document and aggregate event information
  • Wen et al., NAACL'21

5. Noisy Labels

6. Pre-training

  • Zhou et al., ACL'20: proposes a novel sequence modeling approach that exploits explicit and implicit mentions of temporal common sense, extracted from a large corpus, to build TACOLM, a temporal common sense language model.
  • He et al., ACL'20: QUASE learns representations from QA data, using BERT or other state-of-the-art contextual language models

Professors Working on Events

  • Dan Roth, Heng Ji, Ruihong Huang, Claire Cardie, Nanyun Peng, Chris Callison Burch, Martha Palmer, Eduard Hovy, Yadong Mu