
packages of the termux compiled by me

Packages of the Termux compileds by me.


  • this is not a guide to install docker. I just keep termux packages for my to use. it's up to you to try

Install package python 3.10.8
(Only architeture aarch64):

wget https://github.com/whyakari/termux-packages/releases/download/packages/python3.10.8.zip; unzip python3.10.8.zip -d python3.10.8; cd python3.10.8; dpkg -i *.deb; cd; rm -rf python3.10.8.zip python3.10.8

Install package docker v20.10.23-ce
(Only architeture aarch64):

wget https://github.com/whyakari/termux-packages/releases/download/packages/docker.zip; unzip docker.zip -d docker; cd docker; dpkg -i *.deb; cd; rm -rf docker.zip docker