
Brief Introduction

This program is an automatic four-round impossible differential path search for the ARIA algorithm, using the idea of ​​miss in the middle.

A Related Paper

The research paper detailing the automated path search program is available at Within this paper, you will find a wealth of additional insights and explanations, encompassing various aspects:

Validity Proof of Discovered Paths: The paper rigorously verifies paths automatically identified by the program.

Multi-Round Attack Strategies: The paper applies discovered paths to multi-round attacks. It discusses using these paths for intricate strategies spanning encryption rounds, contributing to the program's cryptanalysis potential.

Comprehensive Complexity Analysis: The paper extensively analyzes complexities. It covers classical and quantum perspectives, revealing efforts needed to breach security.

Source Codes

Forward two-round paths (starting bytes with 2 non-zero values) are contained in
Backward two-round paths (ending bytes with 4 non-zero values) are contained in
Inputting 2 and 8 in will yield paths that have been automatically identified.