
Extends Kubeflow/tf-operator to enable gang-scheduling and auto-scaling.

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K8s Custom Resource and Operator For TensorFlow jobs

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[Origin Kubeflow/tf-operator


TFJob provides a Kubernetes custom resource that makes it easy to run distributed or non-distributed TensorFlow jobs on Kubernetes.

Using a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) gives users the ability to create and manage TF Jobs just like builtin K8s resources. For example to create a job

kubectl create -f examples/tf_job.yaml

To list jobs

kubectl get tfjobs

NAME          KINDS
example-job   TFJob.v1alpha.kubeflow.org

For additional information about motivation and design for the CRD please refer to tf_job_design_doc.md.


TFJob requires Kubernetes >= 1.8

  • CRDs required Kubernetes >= 1.7
  • TFJob depends on Garbage Collection for CRDs which is only supported in >= 1.8
  • GPU support is evolving quickly and its best to use Kubernetes 1.8 to get the latest features.

Installing the TFJob CRD and operator on your k8s cluster

Please refer to the Kubeflow user guide.

We recommend deploying Kubeflow in order to use the TFJob operator.

Creating a job

You create a job by defining a TFJob and then creating it with.

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeflow/tf-operator/master/examples/tf_job.yaml

In this case the job spec looks like the following

apiVersion: "kubeflow.org/v1alpha1"
kind: "TFJob"
  name: "example-job"
    - replicas: 1
      tfReplicaType: MASTER
            - image: gcr.io/tf-on-k8s-dogfood/tf_sample:dc944ff
              name: tensorflow
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
    - replicas: 1
      tfReplicaType: WORKER
            - image: gcr.io/tf-on-k8s-dogfood/tf_sample:dc944ff
              name: tensorflow
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
    - replicas: 2
      tfReplicaType: PS

Each replicaSpec defines a set of TensorFlow processes. The tfReplicaType defines the semantics for the set of processes. The semantics are as follows


  • A job must have 1 and only 1 master
  • The pod must contain a container named tensorflow
  • The overall status of the TFJob is determined by the exit code of the tensorflow container
    • 0 = success
    • 1-127 = permanent error
    • 128-255 = retryable error


  • A job can have 0 to N workers
  • The pod must contain a container named tensorflow
  • Workers are automatically restarted if they exit


  • A job can have 0 to N parameter servers
  • parameter servers are automatically restarted if they exit
  • If you do not specify a container named tensorflow the TFJob will automatically add a container to the pod that starts a standard TensorFlow gRPC server for each PS.

For each replica you define a template which is a K8s PodTemplateSpec. The template allows you to specify the containers, volumes, etc... that should be created for each replica.

Using gang-scheduling and auto-scaling

Checkout the branch of gang-scheduling or auto-scaling and build the tf-operator and Docker image. Change the tf-operator image to the new image.

Using GPUs

Note The use of GPUs and K8s is still in flux. The following works with GKE & K8s 1.7.2. If this doesn't work on your setup please consider opening an issue.

Ensure your K8s cluster is properly configured to use GPUs

  • Nodes must have GPUs attached
  • K8s cluster must recognize the nvidia-gpu resource type
  • GPU drivers must be installed on the cluster.
  • Your TFJob controller must be configured to properly attach volumes and set environment variables needed for GPUs.

To attach GPUs specify the GPU resource on the container e.g.

apiVersion: "kubeflow.org/v1alpha1"
kind: "TFJob"
  name: "tf-smoke-gpu"
    - replicas: 1
      tfPort: 2222
      tfReplicaType: MASTER
            - image: gcr.io/tf-on-k8s-dogfood/tf_sample_gpu:latest
              name: tensorflow
                  alpha.kubernetes.io/nvidia-gpu: 1
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Follow TensorFlow's instructions for using GPUs.

Monitoring your job

To get the status of your job

kubectl get -o yaml tfjobs $JOB

Here is sample output for an example job

apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1alpha1
kind: TFJob
  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2017-10-20T22:27:38Z
  generation: 0
  name: example-job
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "1881"
  selfLink: /apis/kubeflow.org/v1alpha1/namespaces/default/tfjobs/example-job
  uid: e11f9577-b5e5-11e7-8522-42010a8e01a4
  RuntimeId: 76no
  - replicas: 1
        creationTimestamp: null
        - image: gcr.io/tf-on-k8s-dogfood/tf_sample:dc944ff
          name: tensorflow
          resources: {}
        restartPolicy: OnFailure
    tfPort: 2222
    tfReplicaType: MASTER
  - replicas: 1
        creationTimestamp: null
        - image: gcr.io/tf-on-k8s-dogfood/tf_sample:dc944ff
          name: tensorflow
          resources: {}
        restartPolicy: OnFailure
    tfPort: 2222
    tfReplicaType: WORKER
  - replicas: 2
        creationTimestamp: null
        - image: tensorflow/tensorflow:1.3.0
          name: tensorflow
          resources: {}
          - mountPath: /ps-server
            name: ps-config-volume
        restartPolicy: OnFailure
    tfPort: 2222
    tfReplicaType: PS
  tfImage: tensorflow/tensorflow:1.3.0
  conditions: null
  controlPaused: false
  phase: Done
  reason: ""
  - ReplicasStates:
      Succeeded: 1
    state: Succeeded
    tf_replica_type: MASTER
  - ReplicasStates:
      Running: 1
    state: Running
    tf_replica_type: WORKER
  - ReplicasStates:
      Running: 2
    state: Running
    tf_replica_type: PS
  state: Succeeded

The first thing to note is the RuntimeId. This is a random unique string which is used to give names to all the K8s resouces (e.g Job controllers & services) that are created by the TFJob.

As with other K8s resources status provides information about the state of the resource.

phase - Indicates the phase of a job and will be one of

  • Creating
  • Running
  • CleanUp
  • Failed
  • Done

state - Provides the overall status of the job and will be one of

  • Running
  • Succeeded
  • Failed

For each replica type in the job, there will be a ReplicaStatus that provides the number of replicas of that type in each state.

For each replica type, the job creates a set of K8s Job Controllers named


For example, if you have 2 parameter servers and runtime id 76n0 TFJob will create the jobs


TensorFlow Logs

Logging follows standard K8s logging practices.

You can use kubectl to get standard output/error for any of your containers.

First find the pod created by the job controller for the replica of index. Pods will be named


where RANDOM is a unique id generated by K8s to uniquely identify each pod.

Once you've identified your pod you can get the logs using kubectl.


If your cluster takes advantage of K8s logging infrastructure then your logs may also be shipped to an appropriate data store for further analysis.


The default on GKE is send logs to Stackdriver logging.

To get the logs for a particular pod you can use the following advanced filter in Stackdriver logging's search UI.


where ${POD_NAME} is the name of the pod.

Tip If you don't know the id of the pod, just enter the RuntimeId for your job into the Stackdriver logging search UI. This will find all log entries with the RuntimeId anywhere in the log entry. Since the RuntimeId is a random string, the only matches will be the log entries for your job.

Tip If your program outputs an easily searchable log message with the replica type and index then you can search for this log message and use it to determine the ${POD_NAME} for a particular pod; e.g

cluster_json = os.getenv('TF_CONFIG')
cluster = json.loads(cluster)
logging.info("REPLICA_TYPE=%s,REPLICA_INDEX=%s", cluster["task"]["type"], cluster["task"]["index"])

This would log a message like


which you could then search for in the StackDriver UI. Once you find the entry you can expand it to see resource.labels.pod_id.