
Python swagger client for the whylogs container

Primary LanguagePython

This package is the auto generated python client for the whylogs container. This client won't work for the newer whylogs python container


Install with

pip install whylogs-container-client


This example shows how you can bulk upload data from a pandas dataframe.

import pandas
from whylogs_container_client.api import WhylogsApi
from whylogs_container_client import Configuration, ApiClient

config = Configuration()
config.host = 'http://localhost:8080'
client = ApiClient(config)

whylogs_api = WhylogsApi(client)

df = pandas.read_csv('./data.csv')

multiple = df.to_dict(orient="split")
del multiple['index'] # get rid of this to min/max payload size

payload = {
  'datasetId': 'model-1',
  'tags': { # Optional segment tags
    'city': 'seattle'
  'multiple': multiple

whylogs_api.track(body=payload ,x_api_key='password')