
config repo, with setup

Primary LanguageNu

-- first readme>testdrive return function()


dot>to>not + not>to>dot scripts




  • proper wezterm cfg
  • backup script
  • cleanup script
  • uninstall script (incl cleanup pre-install) - .local, .cache, nvim-data, .cargo (anythiing with TMP), shared
  • lockfile
  • tests

last thing to structure

  • [✔] separate cfgs to their own repos (term, shell, nvim ..) & git clone instead of cp


[ #rnd/testdrive.np ]

  • toggleable snippets + multiple instances for easy experimentation & side-by-side comparison.
  • extra points to provide a cointaining buffer that can do some ui and manage multiple of the same or unique plugins . can be a nice way to build components? this one is in my backlog so give it a shot.
  • setup pckr for testdrive.np
  • nu ccmd to query github repo after its readme
  • nu ccmd q > readme | lines | each { |ln| $"--## ($ln)" } | ast-grep $$$ | str replace "--## " " " [ - the above insert>replace>indent should make easy fold definitions - ]

make scripts for separating nvim repo(s) into parts of:

  • lsp (lsp plugins, keymaps, options, cmd, autocmd ..) - least structured/most varying so...

  • plugins (incl plugim keymaps, though preferably keep all plugin-mappings in one place and not scattered with each plugin)

    [ loose plugin grouping structure ex ]
    • repo name, deps, opts, build cmd
    • cmds (cmd, autocmd, augroup)
    • keymaps following which-key groups & syntax e.g
      [ prefer mapping cmd: vim.keymaps.set(map) ]
        struct = {
            map = {
              modes: [ 'n', 'v', 'x' ], -- creates a.length number of maps (groups condition)
              keys/motion: {'g'},
              action/func/cmd: function() ffs() end | 'echo "ffs"',
              opts: { noremap = true, desc = '!!!' }
            condition = expr,
            tags = {},
  • core (keymaps, options, cmd, autocmd) - main usr customs should be as portable as possible (even autocmd/cmd would be nice if defined in ts with utility types (rpc), point below)

  • super duper thing !!!

  • transpile ts + own util types (e.g SH_ENV -> --env, SH_WRAPPED -> --wrapped, SH_FLAGS -> --flags) into nu-script custom commands and data-structs, as it is interpreted by rust (so ++ for safety & cross-device). see what bun does, if they interpret in zig and how. -- keep in mind bash.
