Suitmedia Internship Technical Task

This project is developed as part of the technical task for the Suitmedia Internship. It is a Flutter application that showcases the usage of Riverpod as the state management solution.

Project Overview

The goal of this project is to demonstrate proficiency in building a Flutter application with Riverpod. The application showcases the following features:

  • Fetching a paginated list of users from an API endpoint.
  • Displaying the list of users in a paginated manner.
  • Selecting a user and displaying detailed user information.


Here are some screenshots of the application:





Before running the project, ensure that you have Flutter and Dart installed on your development machine.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone
  2. Change directory to the project folder:
    cd suitmedia-internship-task
  3. Install the dependencies using the following command:
    flutter pub get
  4. Run the application using the following command:
    flutter run