This repository is the official implementation of On the Limitations of Stochastic Pre-processing Defenses.
[Paper] [Recorded Talk] [Full Slides]
To install requirements:
conda create -n your_env_name python=3.10
conda activate your_env_name
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y
pip install -r requirements.txt
To prepare ImageNet:
- Download the validation set from
- Extract to
so that the file structure becomes:src/ static/datasets/imagenet/val/ n01440764/*.JPEG n01775062/*.JPEG ... n07579787/*.JPEG
To prepare ImageNette:
- Download the full dataset ("320 px") from
- Extract to
so that the file structure becomes:src/ static/datasets/imagenette2-320/ train/ n01440764/*.JPEG n02102040/*.JPEG ... n03888257/*.JPEG val/ n01440764/*.JPEG n02102040/*.JPEG ... n03888257/*.JPEG
To prepare models fine-tuned on ImageNet and Gaussian noise
- Download models from
- Extract to
so that the file structure becomes:src/ static/models/smoothing-models/imagenet/resnet50/ noise_0.25/checkpoint.pth.tar noise_0.50/checkpoint.pth.tar
To prepare models fine-tuned on ImageNette
- Download models from the anonymous Google Drive
- Extract to
We provide three models pre-trained on ImageNette:
Filename | Defenses | Top-1 Accuracy (%) |
ResNet34-ImageNette-Clean.ckpt |
N/A | 96.31% |
ResNet34-ImageNette-NoiseInjection.ckpt |
Noise Injection | 94.65% |
ResNet34-ImageNette-Gaussian0.50.ckpt |
Randomized Smoothing (sigma 0.50) | 92.36% |
To evaluate Random Rotation with targeted PGD-50 (eps 8/255, lr 1/255), EOT-1, and Vote 20:
python -m scripts.test_imagenet \
--load r50 --mode vote --repeat 20 \
--data-dir static/datasets/imagenet --data-skip 50 --batch 100 \
--attack pgd --norm inf --eps 8 --lr 1 --step 50 --eot 1 --target 9 --random-init 1 \
--defense Rotation --params degree=90
To evaluate Randomized Smoothing (sigma 0.25) with targeted PGD-50 (eps 8/255, lr 1/255), EOT-1, and Vote 500:
python -m scripts.test_imagenet \
--load r50-s0.25 --mode vote --repeat 500 \
--data-dir static/datasets/imagenet --data-skip 50 --batch 100 \
--attack pgd --norm inf --eps 8 --lr 1 --step 50 --eot 1 --target 9 --random-init 1 \
--defense GaussianNoisePyTorchNoClip --params variance=0.25
To fine-tune the model on data processed by Noise Injection:
python -m scripts.train \
--data imagenette --data-dir static/datasets --save static/models --version test \
--max-epochs 30 --batch-size 256 --num-workers 16 \
--lr 1e-3 --wd 1e-2 --load clean \
--defenses NoiseInjectionPyTorch
To fine-tune the model on data processed by Gaussian noise (sigma 0.50):
python -m scripts.train \
--data imagenette --data-dir static/datasets --save static/models --version test \
--max-epochs 30 --batch-size 256 --num-workers 16 \
--lr 1e-3 --wd 1e-2 --load clean \
--defenses GaussianNoisePyTorch -p variance=0.50
To evaluate Noise Injection on the model before fine-tuning:
python -m scripts.test_imagenette \
--load path/to/your/not/fine-tuned/model.ckpt \
--mode vote --repeat 500 \
--data-dir static/datasets/imagenette2-320 --data-skip 5 --batch 100 \
--attack pgd --norm inf --eps 8 --lr 1 --step 50 --eot 1 --target 9 --random-init 1 \
--defenses NoiseInjectionPyTorch
To evaluate Noise Injection on the model after fine-tuning:
python -m scripts.test_imagenette \
--load path/to/your/fine-tuned/model.ckpt \
--mode vote --repeat 500 \
--data-dir static/datasets/imagenette2-320 --data-skip 5 --batch 100 \
--attack pgd --norm inf --eps 8 --lr 1 --step 50 --eot 1 --target 9 --random-init 1 \
--defenses NoiseInjectionPyTorch
To save the ImageNet image (ID 0) processed by Random Rotation (10 samples):
python -m scripts.visualize_defense \
--dataset imagenet --data-dir static/datasets/imagenet \
--id 0 -n 10 \
--defense Rotation --params degree 90 \
--save path/to/outputs --tag rotation90
If you find this work useful in your research, please cite our paper with the following BibTeX:
author = {Yue Gao and Ilia Shumailov and Kassem Fawaz and Nicolas Papernot},
title = {On the Limitations of Stochastic Pre-processing Defenses},
booktitle = {Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
year = {2022},
url = {}