
Breakable Toy - Fishing Log

Primary LanguageCSS

Codeship Status for wibb1/fishing-log


This app was fine when run locally but never functioned correctly on Heroku so it was scrapped and redesigned in fishing-log-2. I believe the problem with this app was that the weather, tides, and astro classes would fail to create correctly due to a failure in the api call used during creation. This would would then cause the entire app to fail when the missing information was called on in the show pages. I attempted to resolve this issue by cascading through the class creation and removing classes that were created using destroy if a creation failed to save, however the app was still unstable on Heroku. Since the classes were bound by only a has_one relationship I decided to scrap the first attempt and create Fishing-log-2. Fishing-log-2 resolved this error by making all the information part of a "record" rather than having seperate classes for each api call. This app was more stable and is deployed to Heroku.