
Clojure wrapper for socketio/socket.io-client-java

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


A Clojure library that wraps https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-java



[clj-socketio-client "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


The Clojure wrapper provides a thin convenience layer atop the Java client.

(:require [clj-socketio-client.core :as sio])

(def s (sio/make-socket "http://host:port" event-map))
(sio/emit! s "message" args optional-unique-id)

The event map provided to make-socket maps standard or custom socket.io event names to variadic [& args] functions, which will be called asynchronously when messages are received.

The args argument to emit! may be a map, a sequential object (list, vector, ...) or a primitive (string, number, true false). The arguments are JSON-encoded into an array for transmission.

For convenience, the following are also available:

(sio/make-pass-take-socket url) constructs a socket with a predefined event map. When the socket is opened, it sends a "join" message, with a unique identifier.

(sio/pass-take msg) emits a "pass" message with the given msg arguments, and (synchronously) returns a Clojure promise to the value of a corresponding received "take" message from the remote service. The promise times out if not delivered within 60 seconds.


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Distributed under the MIT License.