This app fetches your friends and displays them in a searchable list with pagination using AngularJS.
Install the npm-dependencies:
$ npm install
Then open up settings.js inside your favourite editor and replace APP_ID, APP_SECRET and APP_URL with your app's values (that you obtain from To prevent this configuration file from being further version-controlled you can run the update-index command from git: $ git update-index --assume-unchanged settings.js
If you want the application on Heroku, make sure these config vars is set
$ heroku config:set APP_ID <YOUR_APP_ID>
$ heroku config:set APP_SECRET <YOUR_APP_SECRET>
$ heroku config:set APP_URL <YOUR_APP_URL>
Run the app by either executing $ node app.js
or $ foreman start
(assuming you have Heroku's Toolbelt installed)