
Insight into the Dutch parliament

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status

Openkamer gives insight into the Dutch parliament by gathering, organizing and visualizing parliamentary data.

Openkamer gathers (scrapes) parliamentary data from several external sources, creates relations, and visualizes this data in a web application.

Openkamer is a Python 3.4+ and Django 1.10+ project under MIT license.

Installation (Linux)

Get the code and enter the project directory,

$ git clone https://github.com/openkamer/openkamer.git
$ cd openkamer

Install in a local environment (creates a Python 3 virtualenv and a sqlite database file),

$ ./install.sh

Activate the virtualenv,

$ source env/bin/activate


There are 3 options to fill your database with data.

Option 1: Load a json dump from openkamer.org (5 min)

This will fill your database with all openkamer data. Download the latest openkamer-<date>.json.gz file from https://www.openkamer.org/database/dumps/.
Load this data into your local database with the following Django command,

$ python manage.py loaddata openkamer-<date>.json.gz

Option 2: Scrape a small demo data set (10-15 min)

Scrape a demo data subset from external sources. This is the longer, but more exciting method. Scraping demo data can take several minutes and mostly depends on response time of external sources,

$ python manage.py create_demo_data

Option 3: Scrape all data from scratch (12-24 hours)

This is how you get all data from scratch; scrape everything from external sources. This will take several hours, but is independent of openkamer.org.
Use the following command,

$ python manage.py create_data

Run a development server

Run the Django dev web server in the virtualenv,

$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ python manage.py runserver

Openkamer is now available at and


See website/local_settings.py and website/settings.py for settings.


based on https://github.com/dekanayake/haystack_solr6 download and install solr-6.5.0 from http://lucene.apache.org/solr/ start and create core

$ bin/solr start
$ bin/solr create -c default5

You should now be able to visit the admin page at from website/templates/search_configuration copy solrconfig.xml to [SOLR base folder]server/solr/default5/conf

create schema.xml and refresh core:

$ python manage.py build_solr_schema --filename=[SOLR base folder]/server/solr/default5/conf/schema.xml && curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?action=RELOAD&core=default5&wt=json&indent=true'

create search index

$ python manage.py rebuild_index



Run tests

Run all tests,

$ python manage.py test

Run specific tests (example),

$ python manage.py test website.test.TestCreateParliament
Create test json fixtures
$ python manage.py dumpdata --all --natural-foreign --indent 2 auth.User auth.Group person parliament government document website > website/fixtures/<fixture_name>.json

Debug toolbar

Enable the django debug toolbar by uncommenting the django_toolbar related lines in INSTALLED_APPS and MIDDLEWARE in website/settings.py.


Openkamer has some optional cronjobs that do some cool stuff. You can review them in website/cron.py.
Create the following cronjob (Linux) to kickstart the django-cron jobs,

$ crontab -e
*/5 * * * * source /home/<user>/.bashrc && source /home/<path-to-openkamer>/openkamer/env/bin/activate && python /home/<path-to-openkamer>/website/manage.py runcrons > /home/<path-to-openkamer>/log/cronjob.log