
Python bindings for the Tweede Kamer OData API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI version
Python bindings for the Tweede Kamer Open Data Portaal OData API.

Requires Python 3.3+

WARNING: This is a work in progress. Code is not clean, nor complete. There will be major changes that break everything!

You are welcome to open an issue if you have any problems, questions or suggestions.


pip install tkapi


A simple first example,

import tkapi

api = tkapi.Api(user=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)
personen = api.get_personen(max_items=100)
for persoon in personen:

Where USERNAME and PASSWORD are your Tweede Kamer OpenData username and password. You can get one by registering at https://opendata.tweedekamer.nl.

The tests can serve as more detailed examples.



Run all tests,

python -m unittest discover

Coverage report

Run all tests,

coverage -m unittest discover

Create coverage report,

coverage html

Then visit htmlcov/index.html in your browser.