
This Android application is designed to fetch and display news articles using Jetpack Compose, following the MVVM architecture. It integrates Retrofit for network operations, Coroutines for asynchronous tasks, and Hilt for dependency injection, ensuring a robust and maintainable codebase.

Primary LanguageKotlin

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News App

This Android application is designed to fetch and display news articles using Jetpack Compose, following the MVVM architecture. It integrates Retrofit for network operations, Coroutines for asynchronous tasks, and Hilt for dependency injection, ensuring a robust and maintainable codebase.


Go to https://newsapi.org/ to get your key and add it to ApiService.kt which is under data->api

Go to Data -> AppConstants and change country to random and then it will execute No data Found under HomeScreen.kt


  • Jetpack Compose UI: Fully functional user interface built using the latest Jetpack Compose, ensuring a modern and efficient way to build native UIs on Android.
  • MVVM Architecture: Utilizes the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture to separate the application logic from the UI, enhancing testability and maintainability.
  • Coroutines & Flow: Leverages Kotlin Coroutines and Flow for managing background tasks with simplified asynchronous programming.
  • Retrofit & OKHttp: Network operations are handled using Retrofit combined with OKHttp, including logging interceptors for easy debugging.
  • Hilt Dependency Injection: Implements Hilt for dependency injection to simplify the dependency management and increase the scalability of the application.
  • Modular Android App Development: Supports modular architecture to promote separation of concerns and reusability of code across different parts of the application.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling mechanisms to deal with network issues and data parsing errors.
  • Responsive and Adaptive UI: The app UI adapts smoothly to different Android devices and orientations.