Simple C++ reader for CIFAR-10 dataset
You have to include cifar10_reader.hpp in your code:
#include "cifar/cifar10_reader.hpp"
And then, you can use the function read_dataset()
that returns a struct with a
vector of training images, one of test images, one of training labels and one of
test labels:
auto dataset = cifar::read_dataset<std::vector, std::vector, uint8_t, uint8_t>();
The first two template arguments defines which container will be used for the
collections. The third argument is the type that is used to store a pixel (value
between 0 and 255) and the last one is the type that is used to store a label
(value between 0 and 9). The types in the example are the types by default, you
can use any STL container for the containers and any type that is convertible
from unsigned char
for the second.
The data files are not directly included in the data set. You must use the script in order to download them:
The header files are distributed under the terms of the MIT License. The CIFAR-10 are not my property. If used in a paper, you'll need to cite the reference paper, as indicated in the official website.