Task Manager


Implementation Steps / Thought Process


  • create new nextjs typescript app ( creates directory structure )
    • yarn create next-app --typescript task-manager
    • clear out scaffolded page html index.tsx / styles Home.module.css / api api/hello.ts
    • setup vscode debugger launch.json
    • add prettier rules
  • start docker compose file
    • setup postgres
  • start db
    • docker-compose up
  • install/setup prisma
    • yarn add prisma --dev
    • yarn prisma init
    • update .env file
    • create schema with prisma ( include mappings for nextauth )
    • push schema to db
      • yarn prisma db push
    • check models with prisma studio
      • yarn prisma studio
        • seeded with 1 test user and 1 test task
    • install client
      • yarn add @prisma/client
    • generate client
      • yarn prisma generate
    • expose prisma client (singleton when local to avoid too many clients error)
      • lib/prisma.ts
      • install node types
        • yarn add @types/node
  • setup auth
    • npm install next-auth@4 @next-auth/prisma-adapter
      • I experienced a yarn error due to using newer node version (currently using 18.x ).. normally would dig in deeper and resolve using the same package manager / lock file consistently, or use nvm, but for this exercise I just need the dependencies. So I switched to npm
    • update schema for nextauth
    • push schema changes
      • yarn prisma db push
    • create github oauth app
      • http://localhost:3000/api/auth
      • update .env
        • client id, secret, callback url
    • update _app.tsx to use the session provider
    • update index.tsx
      • spiked out a simple page with auth status and a link to login if not auth'd
    • add api routes for nextauth
      • pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts
    • test auth
      • originally didn't work ... found I had introduced a typo after I had copy/paste the client secret


  • install MUI component lib
  • threw away spike re-implemented with MUI components
    • tool bar with app name and login button
    • when authenticated show name and image
    • updated index to show task list or welcome text / login
  • list
    • created static list to layout / design list
      • I decided to just render the date for simplicity ( skipping "today" / "tomorrow") for now due to time constraints
        • I would make use of a date library such as DateFns to assist with this normally
  • detail
    • created layout component to share basic layout across pages
    • created detail page with static data to design / layout quickly

Backend + Frontend Integration

  • SSR list
  • hydrate list on client with SWR (stale-while-revalidate)
  • implement on check changed behavior
  • SSR detail
  • implement / integrate "save": client sends hydrated DTO to PUT api
  • implement / integrate "delete": client sends ID to delete API

Clean Up

  • rebased branch and squashed commits
  • created demo gif
  • published repo to Github

High Level Milestones For Production

Define "success"

Targets, metrics, KPIs, security constraints/goals, compliance / auditing requirements, etc.

Design with success in mind

Discover and define as many "unknowns" as possible... sometimes this means a spike to discover what we do not know. For example:

  • Determine how the different services would be hosted
    • Which cloud (AWS, Google, Azure, etc)?
      • If AWS, what service/s?
        • app: (Fargate, Lambda, EKS, etc)?
        • db: (RDS, Aurora, EKS, etc)?
  • and many other unknowns (networking, security groups, service roles, access policies, availability concerns, scalability concerns, etc)

Cloud Native / Immutable Infastructure

Codify the infastructure to be immuatable and repeatable: (terraform, cloudformation, pulumi, CDK, etc)


Create actions / pipelines that

  • Verify PRs before merging
    • Build,test, maybe deploy to a test environment where it can be acceptace tested by automation, a dev, or QA
  • Continuously deliver changes on "main" to QA and / or any other pre-production environments
  • Continuously deliver changes on "main" to Production (with an approval "gate")
    • "gate": Whatever the business requires for a production release ( docs, sign off, etc.. automate as much as humanly possible )


System monitoring (log collection, distributed tracing, metrics, etc.) that

  • allows Engineering to keep the system "highly available"
  • allows Ops to effectively and effeciently support the system
  • allows the Business to accurately measure "success"


depending on business needs these can be "nice to haves" instead of hard requirements but can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates

  • animations
  • page transistions
  • optimize TTFMP (time to first meaningful paint)
  • error boundaries
  • monitoring / tracking
    • user experience monitoring can allow you to identify critical points in the business process that increase/decrease conversion rates.
  • A/B testing ( requires observability to measure the different cases )