- 1
Uncaught Error: Failed to find: -lhs-rhs-canvas
#217 opened by flatmax - 1
Json diff integration?
#216 opened by yotam-ionix - 2
Have a direction for the search
#207 opened by hadithmv - 3
Still cant seem to be able to get mergely diacritical marks differentiating to show
#204 opened by hadithmv - 2
- 8
Diacritical marks are ignored when differientiating
#169 opened by hadithmv - 6
- 0
new feature call: search pannel
#201 opened by 521qq - 4
Sorry,but how to use mergely in a react project?
#164 opened by ICZhuang - 3
Sidebar is not displayed correctly
#193 opened by Sivolen - 1
How was this toolbox added
#189 opened by jiangyuhang0506 - 6
$(...).mergely is not a function
#188 opened by jiangyuhang0506 - 7
(...).mergely is not a function
#172 opened by azdurov - 6
When the modified difference point scrolls to the viewport, error: 'k is not defined '
#183 opened by ZiggsTw - 2
ignore Comments
#185 opened by Sornalatha21 - 3
Excuse me, does Merely have support for Vue3?
#184 opened by yoin528 - 0
When the viewport rolls to the difference point, an error is reported: 'k is not defined'
#182 opened by ZiggsTw - 2
Dark mode
#155 opened by vanillajonathan - 2
Support for CodeMirror modes in CDN install
#179 opened by logut - 3
How to download build
#178 opened by logut - 8
- 2
- 3
"Ignore white space" hides punctuation changes
#161 opened by generalmimon - 0
3-way merge
#167 opened by D-Z-Git - 4
An error occurred when I use the search function
#166 opened by Boom1597 - 2
How to force line-by-line merging?
#163 opened by stla - 1
Update the examples on the site
#159 opened by hadithmv - 1
Left/Right Merge keyboard shortcut conflicts with those for text cursor movement per word on Mac.
#153 opened by elmimmo - 10
Accent insensitive search text
#132 opened by dzapata14 - 3
Nonsensical behavior on attempt to share already saved diff, causing deletion never asked for
#141 opened by php4fan - 1
Changes marked up strangely when comparing differently separated lines (tabulator vs. space)
#139 opened by one-github - 3
The connection line between left and right difference is displayed in unaligned situations When I zoom in/out the browser
#152 opened by baobaodz - 1
.tgz doesn't have 'lib' folder
#157 opened by Dottenpixel - 1
Option to collapse identical text around changes
#156 opened by Srinath-V-S - 4
Does not distinguish between `` \n `` vs `` \r\n ``
#154 opened by mmikeww - 3
When I compare two files again,"scrolltodiff" is still located at the previous diff,not the first diff
#151 opened by baobaodz - 5
- 3
Can I obtain the number of added and deleted rows?
#137 opened by Robortzhao - 1
Examples doesn't work (V4)
#142 opened by ControlBoy38 - 1
Selectors problem for line styling in current
#147 opened by ControlBoy38 - 0
- 0
Feature request: VSCode plugin
#138 opened by FDiskas - 8
official site demo is broken, pls fix it, ths
#128 opened by zlzdp - 0
- 2
First "difference marker" has wrong color
#131 opened by stla - 1
Delete a previously shared diff
#130 opened by wickedest - 2
Unexpected token '<' in react
#126 opened by TheFoolG - 8
How to apply CodeMirror theme ?
#121 opened by lopezzlaura - 2
Mergely polymer failed to find id-lhs-id-rhs-canvas
#123 opened by abialas - 4
how can let markup(red line) show on the right?
#122 opened by ahuang