Golang & Angular

Following Golang & Angular Series - Part 1: Developing and Securing Golang APIs

Developing a To-Do List Application with Angular


Made it most of the way through part 2. Testing and debugging


Getting git to ignore the files environment.ts and environment.prod.ts was more diffcult that I expected. The files were originally setup to be tracked. Once git starts tracking a file changing .gitingore for the file doesn't work. I needed to use the command git update-index.

git update-index --skip-worktree ui/src/environments/environment.ts
git update-index --skip-worktree ui/src/environments/environment/prod.ts

Starting the apps

for the API set the environment variables then run the app

export AUTH0_DOMAIN=<YOUR_AUTH0_TENANT>.auth0.com

go run main.go

for the ui

ng serve
