
Horizontal scrolling no more working since release 9.x

muecke87 opened this issue · 9 comments

With 26ca873 browser detection was removed.
Unfortunately the following row in script-jq.js was also removed:

if (this.isIE || this.isGecko) {
  			bodyContainer1.style.width = topContainer.offsetWidth + "px";

This alleged "IE" or "GECKO" fix seems also to be necessary for "all" well known browsers as well (tested with chrome, firefox and safari). Without that code, horizontal scrolling is broken. So the fix would be a oneliner on line 542:

bodyContainer1.style.width = topContainer.offsetWidth + "px";

Will this be fixed? I monkey patched it in our project but that's not the proper way ;-)

Please send a Pull Request!

I tried but it seems that I don't have permission to push: Permission to wicketstuff/core.git denied to ...

okay will do, although we don't really need/want a fork.
I am new at contributing therefore two questions:

  • Should I fix this issue on the fork's master?
  • Any ideas when and in which release this might be published in wicketstuff core?
  • you do need to fork if you want to contribute!
  • you can make the fix in any branch in your fork. It is recommended to use a branch! When creating a PR just make sure it is against master branch of wicketstuff/core.
  • WicketStuff core is usually released few days after Apache Wicket 9.x is released. So, it depends when Wicket 9.13.0 will be released.

All clear, thx.
I want a bug fixed, not really contribute, but fine ;-)

You can wait someone else to do it :-)
It might take days or years though ...

Yeah, well then: #738

Fixed with #738