Wicketstuff-core projects are bundled user contributions for use with Apache Wicket (https://wicket.apache.org/). They are released in step with Wicket releases to make them easy to use.
- andunslgComputer Science and Engineering Department, University of Moratuwa
- azuritus
- bitstorm
- BuZZ-dEEOldenburg
- chrisco484Step Ahead Software
- djalmasilvajr
- dzahanamwww.nextapps.pl, www.obserwatorium.biz
- guoyingshou
- jaumzeraMe
- jbrookoverhttp://www.cast.org
- jhcloos
- JoachimRohde
- jsarmanFlorida
- junmingzhao
- klopfdrehApache Software Foundation
- kspine
- lihuabestChendu University
- martin-g@apache
- mocleiriToronto
- N-K-OWeSustain GmbH
- pashtjo
- pcimino
- pedrosans
- pmaingiGothenburg, Sweden
- reckartOpen Source Developer
- reiern70
- sfeher
- StefanLindner
- svenmeier
- TammyAlcalaBrasil
- tfreierCOMBASE USA
- theiglVienna
- tilmanmueller
- tohruok
- vineetsemwal
- zenithght