
sacker is a simple cloud blob manager

Primary LanguagePython

sacker is a simple cloud blob manager


sacker associates a package name and a monotonically increasing package version to a sha-addressable blob of data stored somewhere. furthermore, sacker can label specific package versions with a tag. there is one reserved tag named "latest" which resolves to the latest package version.

sacker uses a ledger to store the associations between package names, package tags, package versions and their corresponding shas. suitable mechanisms for ledger implementations are those that provide semi-strong or strong consistency guarantees such as zookeeper, gitdb or dynamo.

sacker uses a store to store blobs of data, addressable only by the sha of the blob of data. suitable backends for sacker stores are data warehouses like hdfs or object stores like s3.

sacker comes with a dynamo ledger and both an s3 ledger and s3 store.

the dynamo ledger provides stronger consistency that detects race conditions on write using conditional puts. dynamo ledger keys are autoincrementing integers starting at 1 for each package. the dynamo ledger requires two tables: a ledger table and a tags table. these can be initialized using sacker init.

the s3 ledger is compatible with write-only clients and thus may be a suitable ledger if you want to push package artifacts from a third-party CI provider. in order to allow writes without reads in a semi-reliable manner, keys in the s3 ledger are monotonically increasing timestamps.

query operations

sacker list                      : list all packages known to the ledger
sacker versions <package>        : list package versions
sacker tags     <package>        : list package tags
sacker info     <package> <spec> : print information about package at <spec>

spec can either be a version number ("7", "23") or a tag name (e.g. "live", "devel", "latest".)

file operations

sacker add      <package> <filename> : add package and autoincrement latest version
sacker download <package> <spec>     : download package at <spec>

tagging operations

sacker tag      <package> <version> <tag> : assign a tag to package at <version>
sacker untag    <package> <tag>           : remove tag from package


the ledger and store can be configured using the file ~/.sacker.json with two keys "ledger" and "store", e.g.

  "ledger": "dynamo://<region>/<dynamo-table-prefix>",
  "store": "s3://<ledger-bucket-name>"

this filename can also be overridden with the $SACKER_CONFIG environment variable. access to s3 is performed with boto and honors standard AWS_* environment variables.

example workflows

canary workflow using "live" and "latest"

A common pattern is to continuously deploy the package pointed to by "latest" into canary/staging. Uploading a file using sacker add frontend-server build/frontend-server.jar will upload the new version of frontend-server and return its version number, e.g. 23. A cron job doing sacker download frontend-server latest will pick up this version.

Once a particular version has been stable in staging/canary for sufficiently long, it can be graduated to "live" by tagging it sacker tag frontend-server 23 live. Production servers can either periodically sacker download frontend-server live or a deployment against this version can be initiated.

example s3 ledger/store iam policy for ci

a suitable s3 sacker iam policy would be for write-only access to the store and write-only access to a specific set of keys. see examples/ci-aws-iam-policy.json for an example of such a policy.