
The development repository for my collision avoidance project, these are just the initial files,

Primary LanguagePython


The development repository for my collision avoidance project, these are just the initial files. This example reads an image from hard drive using opencv and then call the dumps method of nparray to pickle (serialize) the data of this image. It then calls the function sendimage in client to send this image to server. Servers receives the image and calls the mothod numpy.loads to convert the string back to image and dispaly it.

The message is of format: size+image_string size of 10 bytes and represents the size of image_string in bytes.


First start the server by typing python server.py in command line (linux) then start the client by typing python client.py in command line (linux)


It is important that you use python3 on both sides, otherwise it will throw errors


waqar@waqar-HP:~/workspace/git/collision_avoidance$ python server.py test print Connection from ('', 33688) 0.8325252532958984 0000230613 The size of image is: 230613 0.20682668685913086 Time for recvimage is: recimage time is : 1.040318250656128 function finished

pi@pi1:~/workspace/git/collision_avoidance $ python3 client.py Function Ended